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Frankfurt am Main recent comments:

  • United States Consulate General Frankfurt, Garry Cope (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Was this the hospital in 1951? I was born in in an Army Hospital in Frankfurt-am-Main.
  • Drake Edwards Kaserne, Wes Jeffries (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Stationed with 143rd Signal Bn . 1966-67
  • Army Barracks now demolished., Helen (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I had the best time in my life there I was there too in 1972 -1974
  • United States Consulate General Frankfurt, guest (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    My wife was stationed at 97th General from 1969 to 1970.
  • Drake Edwards Kaserne, J. Ash (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I was at EDWARDS from 1958 to 1960. Great duty, enjoyed every day. that was 55 years ago, seems like last year,
  • Maurice Rose Army Airfield, William Trusty wrote 10 years ago:
    I was stationed there from 1982 until hhc 11 avn bn moved to Wiesbaden. And yes I had some good times there.if you have any pictures of dare Edwards kasern ,the area and mraaf can you send please me some to. Thank you
  • Former Kennedy Kaserne US Army, Darwin Maring (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Darwin Maring. Was there in 1965. Worked at the comm center in the Farbin Building then at Rein Mine AFB as the mechanic on General Prices aircraft.
  • Maurice Rose Army Airfield, terry graham (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I remember you ssg kirby
  • United States Consulate General Frankfurt, Bonnie (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I was born at this hospital in 1959. My dad was in the Army. I wonder where all the birth records are now from this hospital.
  • 302nd Military Intelligence Battalion, Christopher Pipkin (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    B Co, 302 MI BN from '83 to '86. Had so much fun in Frankfurt. Met lots of wonderful people there.
  • 302nd Military Intelligence Battalion, Carri Yager Marthaler wrote 10 years ago:
    I was there 87 -91. A CO.
  • Backpack Drink Dispenser Produktion, jasonu (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Looking for a distributor in Canada for the large 19 leters backpack dispenser. Can you help. Thank you
  • Gutleut Kaserne, dlowery925 wrote 10 years ago:
    John. Are byou on Facebook. We havwe a 709th MP Group there
  • United States Consulate General Frankfurt, naomi (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I was born at 97th General Hospital in 1962 does that allow for German Citizenship?
  • United States Consulate General Frankfurt, Richard Hover (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I was born in the 97th General Hospital on September 12th 1962. Richard Hover
  • Bowling Alley - Abrams Complex, regmac wrote 10 years ago:
    My 6th grade teacher (Mr Mosesso) used to take us bowling one day a week. We'd walk from Platton to the alley. It was fun!
  • Drake Kaserne, Leslie Click wrote 10 years ago:
    I was there in 11th Aviation at Drake in 1983 - 1985 .... some of the greatest memories of my life. John.s was the famous hang - out and Miss Kitty was the waitress..... though grouchy sometimes she was the best!
  • Former Kennedy Kaserne US Army, gk (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    was there 1973 205th MI detachment
  • United States Consulate General Frankfurt, Clancy (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I was a patient there as a US Army MP 2x in 1968. I was sent there for treatment while stationed in Africa. Caught something in the Ethiopian Highlands at Kagnew Station.
  • United States Consulate General Frankfurt, Richard (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    I was born at the 97th General Hospital in October 1959!! :-)