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Von Steuben Housing - US Army,
Clint Johnson (guest)
7 years ago:
Correct, they have the two reversed. Trying to narrow down which building is 2268 (A, PL , which means A entrance and playhouse) the top or 4th floor was used as temporary housing, which I was in. We were there when my daughter was born 1966
Drake Edwards Kaserne,
Chris Howard (guest)
7 years ago:
My dad was with the 143rd Sig. Bn - SFC Chester Howard. He was in Headquarters Co. from '82-'85.
Old Gibbs Kaserne,
Manfred Willsch (guest)
7 years ago:
Served from 1962-1964 MED-45 D company lived in Bad Vilbel Heilberg, still after all those years it is like yesterday the memories are super and this is after 55 years.
Becky the name of the street from Gibbs Kaserne is DORNBUSCH STRASSE.I hope you had a great time.
HICOG Former U.S.Military Family Housing Area,
Bill Phillipson (guest)
7 years ago:
Lived on #4 Pleingerstrasse from 1952-53. Went to the old American grade school in a very old building near the IG Farben. Later (1955) went to the new primary school which is now (or perhaps was until recently) the Community Support Center. Regarding the above post about servants' quarters, our maid lived in one of those.
Maurice Rose Army Airfield,
Al Lammers (guest)
8 years ago:
I was in 62nd in the engine shop maint platoon 79 - 83
Old Gibbs Kaserne,
Carol Yates-Baker
8 years ago:
My daughter was able to locate it using information on Google GPS. I could ask her for specifics if you are still looking. Carol
Drake Edwards Kaserne,
John Kelly (guest)
8 years ago:
I was there 143 sig. Bn '82-'84
Platenstrasse Housing Area - Former USAUER Housing Area,
Robert Gilford (guest)
8 years ago:
Lived in Platten Hsg area between 1985-1988 across the street from the elementary school.
HICOG Former U.S.Military Family Housing Area,
Tess Johnston (guest)
8 years ago:
I lived on Jakob Leisler Str. in the 1970s when working at the American Consulate General and I used to put up my houseguests in the top floor
ex-servants' quarters assigned to my generous flat. I wonder if they still exist intact or have been converted to separate (attic) flats?
If anyone can answer that just shoot me an email at Just curious, Tess
Old Gibbs Kaserne,
Becky Newsom (guest)
8 years ago:
I will be visiting Frankfurt this spring and would love to visit the old Gibbs Housing Area to see where my family lived in the 60's. Does anyone have location (street names) to help me find my way. I would appreciate any help I can get.
Former Kennedy Kaserne US Army,
Smitty (guest)
8 years ago:
It was a blur. 378th PSC '88 - '90. Lived on the third floor and loved going around back and buying gyros, Pom Frits mit mayo and Dortmunder Union export
HICOG Former U.S.Military Family Housing Area,
Kurt Ohberg (guest)
8 years ago:
I lived on Joachim Becher Strasse 1963-1966, graduated from FAHS. My brother graduated '67, our father who flew for FAA stayed until about 1970 and owned a old 1955 red Studebaker Commander. Anyone walking down that street in those years would have known that car!
United States Consulate General Frankfurt,
Tom Queen
8 years ago:
I was born there in 1955. The hospital was built by the German Nazi's as a luxury type facility. The US converted it after the war was over. I understand that the US Consulate is housed there now.
Old Gibbs Kaserne,
Lesley Baker (guest)
8 years ago:
I was there in 1982 to 1983 17th DPD I lived on Gibbs Concern alot of great memories Lesley Baker
Former Huegelstrasse Housing ,
Craig (guest)
8 years ago:
Hey John, Just saw your message about military housing. I lived in one of these housing areas somewhere around 54 to 57 and I think it was Paquetstrasse. My father was sergeant in Air Force. I remember the apartments were straight up with no decks and there were none of those cupolas I see on the roofs od some of the buildings in other areas. I see a play ground out back that looks familiar but what's throwing me off is that I wandered over to a street next to the playground a couple times. I think it was Raimundstrasse is but I don't see tracks there on this map. I'm wondering if Raimundstrasse used to have a trolly. Me and one little buddys used to put rocks in the tracks and watch the trolley jump a little when it hit them.
HICOG Former U.S.Military Family Housing Area,
Marilyn (guest)
8 years ago:
I lived at 6/4 Jakob Leisler from 1976 to 1980. My ex-husband worked for the US General Accounting Office. I have many happy memories of living there.
Old Gibbs Kaserne,
Carol Yates-Baker
8 years ago:
Was there in family quarters 1959-1962. My father was an engineer. Address was 432 C-1 Gibbs
Drake Kaserne,
Kerry Zane
8 years ago:
I remember Kitty! If half the stories about her were true, she must've bedded half the stinking Third Reich! I also remember Lena and Hanna, the cute sisters who worked there.
Drake Kaserne,
Kerry Zane
8 years ago:
During my tour with the 3rd Armored Division (Jan 1981-Dec 1983), I lived half that time at Drake Kaserne. Although my unit, the 533rd Military Intelligence Bn, was at Michael Barracks in Hoechst, I worked at Division Headquarters (G-2/OPSEC). My barracks was the first one left of the gate (503rd MP Co), on the top floor. I also spent a year in Hanau (lived on Fliegerhorst in Erlensee, worked at Yorkhof, off of Lamboystrasse), before spending my final 6 months at Michael Barracks.
Frankfurt am Main recent comments: